Knocked Out Teeth: Next Steps for the Most Common Dental Emergency

Beyond Fistfights: Common Causes of Knocked Out Teeth

Forget Hollywood brawls. Knocked-out teeth, also known as avulsed teeth, happen more often than you might think. Simple falls, face injuries, and even contact sports can be the culprits. While it’s a common dental emergency, only 9% of Americans know what to do when it strikes. This guide equips you with the knowledge and steps to potentially save your lost tooth!

Quick Action is Key: Understanding the Timeframe

Time is crucial! Ideally, aim to see your dentist within 30 minutes of losing the tooth. However, with immediate action, successful reimplantation has even occurred after an hour. So, stay calm and focused, follow these steps, and increase your chances of salvaging your smile.

1. Locate and Handle the Tooth Gently:

  • Find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (white, chewing surface), not the roots.
  • Rinse gently with lukewarm water for no more than 10 seconds if dirty. Avoid chemicals, soaps, or drying it. Excessive water or rough handling can damage the root cells needed for reimplantation.

2. Try Reimplantation (if Possible):

  • If the tooth is whole, gently push it back into the socket by the crown. Hold it there with your fingers or bite down softly.

3. Keep the Tooth Moist:

  • Never let the tooth dry out! If reimplantation isn’t possible, keep it moist at all times. Here are your options:
    • Place it in your cheek: The most natural and preferred method.
    • Store it in milk: A temporary alternative if cheek-storing isn’t possible.
    • Use an emergency tooth preservation kit: If readily available, follow the kit’s instructions.

4. Time to See Your Dentist (Fast!):

  • Every minute counts! Call Maynard Family Dentists immediately and explain the situation. We prioritize emergency appointments.
  • If reaching our office immediately isn’t possible, head to the emergency room.

5. Post-Reimplantation Recovery and Options:

  • Healing time for reattached teeth can vary from 1-8 weeks. Regular checkups follow, and further treatment might not be needed.
  • If reimplantation is unsuccessful, your dentist will discuss tooth replacement options like bridges or implants after the socket heals.

Prevention is Always Best:

Wearing a mouthguard during contact sports and practicing good oral hygiene are your best defenses against knocked-out teeth. But if it happens, knowing what to do can make a world of difference. At Maynard Family Dentists, we empower you with the knowledge you need to care for your oral health!


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Does Tooth Sensitivity Go Away?

Tooth Sensitivity in Maynard, MA

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you know how difficult it can be to eat certain foods. There is hope though – in some cases, tooth sensitivity can go away on its own! This is especially true if the sensitivity is due to a recent dental procedure, like a filling or root canal. If your tooth sensitivity lingers and doesn’t go away, you should talk to your dentist since this might be a sign you have worn enamel or exposed tooth roots. 

What is tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the underlying layer of your teeth (dentin) becomes exposed. This happens due to erosion (wear and tear) and gum recession. Tooth roots that aren’t covered by hard enamel contain many tiny tubules that lead to your tooth’s center (the pulp). These tubules – or channels – allow hot, cold or sweet food to reach the nerve in your tooth, which results in the pain you feel. 

Dental sensitivity can be a sign of other issues like cavities, gum disease or a cracked tooth. 

How do you stop tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity treatment depends on the cause of your sensitivity. Below are a few tips to reduce your sensitivity caused by normal wear and tear:

  • Desenstizing toothpaste: Many brands of toothpaste make specific toothpaste for sensitive teeth. With regular use, you can notice a decrease in sensitivity. 
  • Good oral hygiene: Following proper oral hygiene can help prevent tooth senstivity if you thoroughly clean all parts of your teeth and mouth. 
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Using a softer toothbrush will help your teeth and gums suffer from less abrasion and irritation. 
  • Notice what you eat: If you are eating foods that are highly acidic this can gradually dissolve tooth enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity. 
  • Use dental products with fluoride: If you use a fluoride mouth wash daily you can effectively decrease sensitivity. 
  • Avoid grinding your teeth: If you grind or clench your teeth regularly, you should consider wearing a mouth guard at night. 
  • Routine dental checkups: visiting your dentist regularly will ensure you are receiving professional cleanings and fluoride treatments. 

If you are still suffering from tooth sensitivity, you should consult your dentist. They may suggest a few dental procedures that could help reduce sensitivity like dental bonding, fluoride varnishes or dentin sealers. 

If you have any questions about your tooth sensitivity, please call our office at 978-897-5020.

How to Encourage Your Child To Develop Healthy Dental Habits

Teaching Good Dental Hygiene to Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles

At Maynard Family Dentists, we’re dedicated to providing you with the resources and tips to ensure your little ones are excited about maintaining excellent dental hygiene!

Starting Dental Hygiene Practices Early

When Should Dental Hygiene Practices Begin?

Initiate dental care for your baby right from day one. After each feeding, gently wipe your baby’s gums with a washcloth and warm water.

Teething and Solid Foods

As your baby grows, introducing teething and solid foods requires a shift in care. Use a silicone finger brush and warm water after meals. Once the first tooth appears, introduce a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (no larger than a grain of rice) and brush twice daily.

First Pediatric Dental Appointment

Schedule your baby’s initial pediatric dental appointment between the eruption of the first tooth (around 6 to 8 months) and their first birthday. This thorough exam ensures your child’s teeth, gums, and mouth are healthy, while also familiarizing them with the dental environment.

Making Dental Care Exciting for Kids

Let Them Choose Their Tools

Explore department stores for unique, colored, and character toothbrushes. Involve your child in picking their own toothbrush and soft-bristled options. Allow them to choose exciting toothpaste flavors like strawberry and bubblegum.

Engage in Dental Games

Download kid-friendly oral health apps with educational games on the App Store. Encourage pretend play, where your child can act as a dentist for their stuffed animals, practicing brushing and flossing. Turn brushing into a game with plaque-disclosing tablets to make it interactive and fun.

Music and Fun Timers

Play your child’s favorite songs or upbeat music during brushing time. Use kid-friendly timers from the App Store, allowing them to choose themes or characters that pop up when the timer completes. This ensures they brush for the recommended 2 minutes.

With these engaging tips, you’re on your way to making dental care an exciting and essential part of your child’s routine. Establishing these habits early ensures they’re set for a lifetime of healthy smiles! For more information on caring for your child’s teeth, explore additional resources at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Contact our office to schedule a dental appointment for your little one today!

Learn More About Pediatric Dentistry

Halloween Tips-for-Teeth

Halloween can seem like a kid’s ultimate daydream. But for their dental health, it can actually be their greatest nightmare. Just because Halloween has the potential to be bad for teeth doesn’t mean you should only let your children eat apples and carrots. 

That doesn’t mean that all candies are the same. There are certain candies that you need to pay a little extra attention to this Halloween season.

Good Candy

One of the best candies you can let your child eat is chocolate. Because it is soft, it easily dissolves off of the teeth after eating, which minimizes the risk of developing cavities.

Another good candy for your dental health are certain kinds of gum. Chewing gum after eating greatly reduces the risk of developing cavities. It can help clean the mouth out and promote the production of saliva, a natural cavity fighter. The best gum to chew is anything that is sugar-free.

The “Be Mindful” Zone

Certain candies are worse for teeth than others. Anything that is sticky can linger on the teeth longer, allowing bacteria to grow and create cavities. It can also pull out any fillings in the teeth, causing painful and potentially deeper cavities.

Hard candy can chip or crack teeth if you try to chew them. Make sure that your child sucks on hard candy, rather than biting it. A lot of hard candies can be sour, which tend to be very acidic and damaging to teeth.

Lastly, one of the greatest classic Halloween treats is the popcorn ball. While delicious, the kernels can become lodged in between teeth and into the gums. This creates areas where bacteria can flourish and eat away at the teeth.

Your Dental Saviors

At the end of the day, there is no particular candy that you should go out of your way to avoid. All candies have the potential to cause damage to the teeth. If you are mindful about what you are consuming and how you are consuming it, you will be just fine. It is important that you floss once a day and brush twice per day. Mouth rinses can also be beneficial after eating.

Happy Halloween and good luck Trick-or-Treating!

What Issues Can Invisalign® Fix?

Invisalign® transformed the world of orthodontics. Gone are the days of conspicuous metal braces. This innovative clear aligner system lets you discreetly achieve a straighter, healthier smile, boosting your confidence without compromising comfort. But with any treatment, considering your individual needs is crucial. While Invisalign® excels in many areas, understanding its limitations can help you make the best decision for your unique smile journey.

Let’s explore the issues Invisalign® effectively tackles:

1. Crooked Teeth: Say goodbye to misaligned teeth! Invisalign®’s gentle yet effective pressure gradually guides your teeth into their ideal positions, leaving you with a radiant, aligned smile.

2. Overbites and Underbites: Both overbites (where upper teeth protrude over lower teeth) and underbites (where the lower jaw extends beyond the upper jaw) can be effectively corrected with Invisalign®. The aligners precisely move your teeth to achieve proper jaw alignment and a balanced bite.

3. Crossbites: When your upper and lower teeth don’t meet properly, causing misalignment, you have a crossbite. Invisalign® can meticulously adjust the positioning of your teeth, eliminating this issue and ensuring a harmonious bite.

4. Gaps and Crowding: Whether you have unsightly gaps between your teeth or teeth crammed together due to lack of space, Invisalign® offers a solution. It can close gaps or gently widen your jaw to accommodate crowded teeth, promoting optimal oral health and a beautiful smile.

Now, let’s acknowledge Invisalign®’s limitations:

• Severe Orthodontic Issues: For complex cases requiring significant tooth movement or intrusion/extrusion (movement in a direction beyond the gum line), traditional braces might be a better choice due to their stronger force application.

• Importance of Consultation: Remember, every smile is unique. Consulting an experienced dentist is essential to determine if Invisalign® is the right fit for your specific needs and goals.

The good news? Invisalign® technology is constantly evolving! Today, it can handle more complex cases than ever before. So, even if you have reservations, a consultation might reveal that Invisalign® can still be your path to a confident, healthy smile.

Ready to take the first step? Contact our Maynard, MA office at 978-897-5020 to schedule a consultation and we can discuss your smile aspirations. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of your smile!

Learn More About Invisalign®

What is Biofilm?

​​The mouth contains a complex microbial ecosystem or system of microbiomes, that can both help and harm teeth. Biofilm, which plaque is an example of, is any collection of microorganisms that cling to each other and to a surface.  It’s impossible to completely remove bacteria or eliminate microbiomes from the mouth. However, as in any ecosystem, there is a balance that is necessary to maintain a healthy equilibrium. Good oral hygiene habits, healthy choices, and a balanced diet are our way of maintaining that equilibrium so that more dangerous and harmful bacteria are reduced and kept in check. 

Oral Hygiene and Biofilm

If good hygiene habits aren’t maintained then plaque and the microbiome it contains can harden and grow. This can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and cavities. After oral surgeries in particular there is a risk of infection if good habits aren’t maintained. For this reason, twice daily brushing, regular flossing, and using a mouthwash are critical. 

Since teeth make up a relatively small part of the overall surface area inside the mouth using an anti-bacterial mouth wash is a great way of fighting back harmful oral bacteria. By regularly brushing you force the biofilm and bacteria in your mouth to regenerate and prevent it from growing out of control.

Diet and Bacteria

Too much sugary food, or improper hygiene after consuming sugary food, can feed bacteria. Sugar is a sort of fuel for certain harmful bacteria present in your mouth. This is why candy, soda and other sugary foods and drinks are associated with causing cavities. Similarly, too many acidic foods can throw off the oral microbiome and fuel harmful bacteria.

Healthy Choices and the Oral Microbiome

Certain habits and behaviors like smoking or nicotine use can also throw off the oral microbiome. Nicotine usage can cause dry mouth which reduces saliva which naturally helps keep the mouth at equilibrium. Additionally, a thin film can form on teeth from smoking and vaping that can trap excess bacteria. Chewing tobacco similarly can fuel particular types of bacteria.

Regular dental checkups and examinations for more serious issues are also a crucial part of maintaining good overall oral health. At Maynard Family Dentists we are happy to help new clients learn about good oral hygiene. Make an appointment or call us today at 978-897-5020.

What Foods Stain Teeth: Common Culprits

Many people wish that their teeth were whiter. One thing that you may not realize is causing your teeth to be discolored is the things that you eat. The foods you eat can actually have a significant effect on the color of your teeth. Join Maynard Family Dentists as we dive into some of the most common foods that can stain your teeth.

Coffees & Teas

Tea and coffee are both highly acidic, which can weaken the surface of your teeth, making them more susceptible to staining. Tea and coffee also both contain tannins, which help their coloring stick to your teeth. There is some evidence that having milk in your tea or coffee can help reduce the amount of staining.


Dark-colored sauces such as soy sauce, tomato sauce, and curries also cause staining. Switching to lighter or creamy sauces can help mitigate some of the staining.

Fruits & Berries

There are many vibrant fruits that can stain your teeth. Think of the fruits that can stain your clothes – pomegranates, cherries, blueberries, and blackberries just to name a few. In the same way that they can stain your clothes they can stain your teeth.


Sodas are highly acidic thanks to their carbonation. In addition that, the dyes in these drinks – including light-colored ones – can cause staining. There are also chemicals in the drink that eat away at your enamel.

How to Mitigate Staining

There are several things you can do to mitigate the effects of food on the color of your teeth. While cutting out the food listed above would be the number one way to reduce their effect, even we enjoy having them so we’ve included things you can do to reduce the staining while still enjoying your favorite foods.

  • Use a straw. Using a straw when drinking your favorite beverage helps reduce the amount that the acidity and coloring of the drink comes in contact with your teeth.
  • Brush after you eat. Brush your teeth about 30 minutes after you eat food that can stain. It’s important to wait a little bit of time to allow the acidity in your mouth to get balanced out so you don’t cause additional damage.
  • Rinse your mouth. If you cannot brush your teeth after eating, rinsing your mouth with water can help reduce the acidity of your mouth and remove some of the staining agents from your mouth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly. Having regular checkups and teeth cleanings at your dentist is a great way to help your smile stay beautiful.

In addition to providing teeth cleanings, we also proudly offer teeth whitening services in the Maynard, MA area. Please give our dental office a call at 978-897-5020 or use the link below to schedule an appointment for teeth cleaning or whitening.

Schedule an Appointment Online Learn More About Teeth Whitening

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

To many people, a morning coffee or afternoon glass of wine is a ritual that cannot be disturbed or broken, but as there are many joys that come with those drinks there are still many enamel-straining prices. There are 3 different types of staining that can happen to your teeth and different causes. Learn more below about what causes teeth to discolor. If you are unhappy with the color of your smile, Maynard Family Dentists in Maynard, MA can help!

Types of Stains:

Tooth discoloration can be caused by surface stains, material changes in your teeth, or a mix of the two. Tooth discoloration can be divided into three types, according to dentists:

  • Extrinsic Teeth Stains: These stains are a type of discoloration that affects the outer layer of your teeth. Extrinsic stains are not as permanent as the other types, these stains will not respond to simply brushing your teeth. If there are cracks on the teeth they can become deep-set and begin to be harder to remove.
  • Intrinsic Teeth Stains: This type of stain will be found on the inner layer of your teeth or the dentin. Though dentin is beneath the tooth enamel, the darkened dentin can cause the whole tooth to appear discolored.
  • Age-Related Teeth Stains: Age-related teeth stains are a combination of both extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration. The core tissue of your teeth, the dentin, will naturally yellow over time causing your teeth to become discolored. Another factor that may cause your teeth to show discoloration is that the enamel of your teeth will become thinner allowing the dentin to show through.

Causes of Enamel Stains

There can be many causes when it comes to teeth stains. Certain drinks and foods can cause there to be stains on your teeth, but there can be a biological factor as well. Many times there can be ways to prevent these stains from appearing on your teeth and many that you can not control. This list can help you determine what the cause was behind the stains on your teeth.

  1. Food & Drink: Coffee, dark sodas, red wine, and some fruits and vegetables can be so acidic that they cause staining.
  2. Tobacco: Cigarettes and chewing tobacco can contribute to discoloration.
  3. Oral Care: Tooth discoloration can be caused by poor dental hygiene, such as insufficient brushing or flossing.
  4. Trauma or Disease: Discolored teeth can result from any trauma, illness, or disease that impairs enamel formation in children, whether in the womb or while teeth are developing (under the age of 8). Adult teeth can sometimes become stained as a result of trauma. Discolored teeth can be caused by a number of disorders and therapies, chemotherapy and radiation, for example, cause tooth discoloration.
  5. Medical Treatments: There are times when some medical treatments can contribute to your teeth staining as well as some medications.

Ways to Help Clear Stains

There are a few remedies that can help lessen the impact of these causes. With help of some products, the coloration of your stains can become less apparent, but will not fully remove those stains.

  1. Keeping a consistent healthy oral routine – brushing twice a day and daily flossing
  2. Twice-yearly visit to your dentist
  3. Limitation of teeth-staining beverages
  4. At-home remedies – brushing with baking soda products
  5. Professional teeth whitening

If you are interested in getting your teeth back to pearly white, contact Maynard Family Dentists in Maynard, MA today for a professional teeth whitening session!

Affordable Dentures in Maynard, MA

For those who are missing all or most of their teeth, dentures are an excellent solution. One of the most cost-effective ways to replace a full set of upper or lower teeth, dentures can be a permanent solution for patients looking to restore their smile and confidence. We offer affordable denture solutions to meet the needs of every patient.

When it comes to replacing your teeth, there are several options. The one you choose will depend on the extent of your tooth loss. If you’re missing all or most of your teeth, affordable dentures may be the right solution for you. Dentures are a cost-effective way to replace a full arch of missing teeth. They can be used as a permanent solution or as a temporary one until you’re ready for something more expensive and permanent, such as dental implants.

Denture Process at Maynard Family Dentists

The process for getting dentures begins with a consultation at Maynard Family Dentists, your local dentist’s office for affordable dentures. We offer both full and partial dentures.

We’ll take measurements and impressions of your gums and bite to design dentures that are visually appealing and comfortable for you. If you need any extractions, we schedule a time for quick, painless extractions. Next, we’ll fit you with a temporary set of dentures while we work on your permanent ones.

A few weeks later, you’ll come back to Maynard Family Dentists so that we can make sure your new set fits comfortably and securely. We want you to leave our office smiling confidently!

Depending on the type of denture you’ve chosen, they will need to be replaced after five to eight years as they begin to wear down over time. In order to help keep costs low for our patients, Maynard Family Dentists has created a variety of low-cost options for those interested in or needing dentures.

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Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a result of bacterial growth in your mouth that causes harm to the gum tissue surrounding your teeth. While some symptoms are easier to ignore, if gum disease is untreated it can lead to bone and tooth loss. Don’t ignore the signs of gum disease—we can treat the problem before it gets worse. At Maynard Family Dentists in Maynard, MA we offer gum disease treatment solutions for any stage of gum disease.

The earliest sign of periodontitis is an irritated gum line that might present some discomfort or bleeding when you brush, floss, or have your teeth cleaned professionally. If not treated, the gums will start to retract and pull away from the teeth. This creates spaces between the teeth and gums called periodontal pockets that can quickly become filled with harmful accumulations. Your dentist will typically measure the depths of these pockets to determine how far the condition has spread and what treatment is needed to correct the problem. If gum disease eventually makes its way down to the jawbone and the connective tissues of teeth, the jawbone can deteriorate, and teeth can be lost.

Common Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

  • Gum recession
  • “Long teeth”
  • Tooth mobility (loose tooth/movement)
  • Sore teeth when you chew/bite
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Deep pockets under your gums
  • Visible bone loss on X-rays
  • Heavy tartar buildup
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding when you brush and floss
  • Swollen, red gums

Please keep in mind that if you smoke, vape, or use tobacco products, you may not see the same symptoms as someone who doesn’t. Your tissues could look “healthy” due to the lack of bleeding or swelling, even if the disease is present.

Gum disease is a very common oral health problem that with proper treatment can minimize the harmful effects. Call our team at Maynard Family Dentists with any questions and for treatment options.

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Maynard Family Dentists

9 Digital Way Suite #4
Maynard MA 01754
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Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.



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